The most effective ways to enlarge a man's penis at home

Intimate intimacy of a man who has enlarged his penis with a satisfied woman

The size of the phallus is significant, although sometimes women refute this. A small organ not only negatively affects the state of mind of a man, but also worsens the quality of sexual intercourse. However, one should try to lengthen it only when there is no discrepancy.

The genital organ grows up to 20 years. You should start to get upset only when you reach age. It is possible to harm your well-being and injure the penis if you use the methods of organ lengthening earlier.

The average penis size is considered to be 12-15 cm in an excited position. The thickness in the girth is 10 cm. A deviation of 1-2 cm is allowed, if more, then this is a pathology.

It is necessary to figure out what methods it is possible to actually increase the penis at home.

Penis enlargement methods at home

It is possible to enlarge the penis at home, but before proceeding with this, you should seek the advice of a specialist!

If the doctor is convinced that the size is caused by a pathology, then he can offer you treatment:

  • Infectious pathologies;
  • Exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • Sexually transmitted diseases;
  • Inflammation of the skin of the phallus.

Soda method

This is an old method of traditional medicine. Although not everyone believes in traditional treatment, you should not completely deny the power of folk remedies. In addition, this is a real way to enlarge the penis at home, because soda is in any kitchen.

The sequence of application is as follows:

  1. Add 1/2 tsp to a glass of water. soda.
  2. After washing, pour the solution over the genital organ.
  3. Dry the penis with a towel.

Jelqing method - does the phallus lengthen?

This variant comes from traditional medicine. According to rumors, it has been used in the East for many centuries, however, doctors do not recommend the technology for use. Although the result from the manipulations is available, but for a short time, only a few hours. The maximum effect is up to 1 cm. With systematic use, difficulties with sexual arousal, painful sensations and smudges on the phallus may arise.

There are 2 options: dry and wet technology. The first one is exercised without lubrication, and the second one is applied with a gel.

  1. Before the start of the process, the genital organ should be brought to an erogenous state, by 65-70%, but it should not become hard.
  2. The member is wrapped in a wet cloth for steaming. From this, the cavernous bodies of the phallus are made elastic.
  3. Two fingers grasp the base of the phallus and hold it for about 10 seconds.
  4. Without separating the fingers, they stretch them up. Having reached the head, the first hand pauses, but remains in place, and the other does the same manipulations. After the second has approached the first hand, it releases the head and repeated movements begin.

On the first day, 50-100 manipulations are performed, after a couple of weeks the exercises are increased to 200 repetitions. It is allowed to divide the process into approaches with breaks for 20-30 minutes.

Vacuum pump for increasing the size of the male member

Penis lengthening with a vacuum pump

Vacuum pumps have found application in medicine, but they do not give a lasting result of penis lengthening. According to responses on the Internet, the total is up to 3 cm. The key factor for the acquisition is erectile dysfunction. Experts recommend, if possible, to buy the most expensive hydraulic pump. There are fewer injuries from it, since the action on the penis is performed by water. Both types of vacuum pumps provoke a rush of blood to the phallus, which creates a positive result.

Vacuum pump technology:

  • Lower the member inside the flask.
  • Press the flask to the pubis.
  • Slowly draw out air using a pear.

When using for the first time, the action should be stopped after a couple of minutes. The maximum time is not more than 40 minutes.

Using an extender

The design is used to pull out the man's dignity. The mechanism is used to lengthen, thicken and flatten the penis. According to medical information, it is intended after performing plastic procedures: prostatectomy (extraction of the prostate), penis implantation and ligamentotomy.

There are 3 types of construction:

  • Occasionally used, uncomfortable to wear, significantly pressure on the penis. It is possible to wear only half an hour, then a break is required. The maximum can be worn up to 6 hours a day.
  • Often they are prescribed to be worn during the recovery period. They firmly grip the phallus and bring less discomfort than flagellar apparatuses.
  • The operation of the device is based on the suction of air from the chamber, which is put on the head of the phallus. It is not recommended to wear it for a long time, it provokes the appearance of acne.
  • Vacuum adhesive. Applies not only vacuum, but also gel to maintain the head. The most popular mechanism, but expensive.
Stretcher for male phallus enlargement

Elongation with a stretcher

A device for enlarging the phallus. Usually used in conjunction with an extender. The male member is fixed with the use of ties to the leg or shoulder. It is not visible in loose clothing, which makes it possible to use a stretcher at any time.

Biologically active preparations - creams, gels

Today there are a huge number of creams, sprays, drops, preparations for lengthening the penis at home.

Phallus lengthening by plastic surgery

Surgery is a real way to enlarge your penis, albeit not at home. Male dignity enhancement procedures are divided into those that make the penis thicker and those that lengthen the penis.

Penis thickening procedures

For thickening, either implants are inserted under the skin or fatty or muscle tissue of the patient is transplanted.

An example of lipofilling, thanks to which you can enlarge a man's penis


Before the procedure is performed, adipose tissue is taken from the guy's abdomen or thighs. It is cleared of impurities, only pure fats remain. The client shaves the entire groin area and prepares for the operation. The anesthesiologist injects the guy with anesthesia, and only after the specialist starts the procedure.

The penis is disinfected and the composition is injected using a needle. The whole event lasts no more than 60 minutes. At the end, the organ is bandaged. The result of the procedure is permanent, only 30% of fat is absorbed. The method increases the thickness of the phallus by 2-3 cm.

Hyaluronic acid injections

They are also called "beauty injections", they lengthen the penis by 1 cm. The procedure is similar to lipofilling. The most affordable procedure for lengthening the penis. The result lasts approximately 12 months.

Introduction of implants

With this technology, gels in a silicone shell are used. The doctor, putting an injection into the skin of the phallus, fixes it to the tunica albuginea. This omits the danger of displacement. An allergy test is performed before the operation, which eliminates the likelihood of rejection.

Muscle transplant

For a plastic event, a part of the muscle is taken from the guy's abdomen. It is implanted under the skin of the man's phallus, the specialist pulls it around the penis and sutures it with the adjacent tissues. The effectiveness of the procedure is high, the postoperative period passes quickly. As a result, the reproductive organ lengthens by 3-4 cm.

Operation to enlarge the male genital organ

The procedure for increasing the length of the male member

The procedures are performed only for healthy men. The number of restrictions is greater than with other techniques. The doctor will not undertake an operation on patients with cardiac disorders, heart defects, blood clotting disorders, acute and chronic diseases in the stage of decompensation, sexually transmitted diseases, mental disorders.


If the genital organ is small due to the curvature, then an artificial prosthesis is inserted into it. There are rigid, inflatable and elastic prostheses. Plastic surgery is traumatic, the rehabilitation period can be up to 12 months. The procedure not only makes the male organ more authentic, but also improves sexual activity.


Ligamentotomy is a procedure to enlarge the male organ. The ligament is a ligament of the abdominal cavity, located between the pubis and the penis, on which part of the male dignity is held inside the groin. When performing a plastic intervention, it is trimmed, after which the surgeon delays and fixes manhood. The guy will have to wear an extender and a stretcher for 2-3 months.

In the recovery period, men are tormented by pain, so they are given an injection of analgesics. In the early days, there may be bleeding. It is necessary to adhere to the instructions of specialists and go for an examination during the recovery period, since adhesions are likely. As a result, the penis lengthens by 3-5 cm, but immediately after the procedure, the result is weaker - 1-1. 5 cm.

Various procedures for lengthening the genital organ can provoke negative consequences:

  • The appearance of traces;
  • Nerve disorder;
  • Decreased libido;
  • Reducing the sensitivity of the head of the genital organ.